
Animals With Exoskeletons Are Called

Animals with Exoskeleton - Names and Examples

Unless nosotros break ane of its constituent bones, we may not give a lot of thought to our skeleton. It resides within u.s.a., doing the difficult work and letting us get on with our 24-hour interval. If it was on the outside of our body, peradventure we'd be a little more than considerate of its purpose. These exoskeleton animals have a different structure considering they live lives of different functions. What their exoskeleton is for and why they accept one depends on various factors.

AnimalWised looks at this list of animals with exoskeletons, providing names and examples of creatures with their skeletons on the outside of their body. We likewise bring y'all some fascinating facts about the animals to help us better understand why they have exoskeletons in the showtime identify.

What is an exoskeleton?

The exoskeleton is an external structure which covers the trunk of various animals, including arthropods. It is a rigid construction, resistant to trauma and damage from outside forces. However, as with all animal development, there are unlike stages of the exoskeleton, so its consistency will depend on the fourth dimension of its life cycle.

Another variable aspect of exoskeleton animals is the fabric from which they are made. The structure is created from diverse materials depending on the subphylum (the taxonomic category) to which the creature belongs. For case, for insects and fungi the exoskeleton volition exist made from chitin, a polymer also used to create squid beaks and fish scales. The exoskeleton of molluscs (their 'shell') is predominately made of calcium and silica for diatoms.

Exoskeletons can accept many forms, only there are some general parts which create their structure. These include:

  • Cuticle: this is the non-cellular layer secreted by the hypodermis. Arthropods are able to shed this layer to facilitate growth.
  • Hypodermis: the cellular structure that generates the cuticle and creates the necessary conditions for its moulting.
  • Basal membrane: innermost non-cellular layer of the exoskeleton, is responsible for supporting the muscles.

What is the office of an exoskeleton?

Only similar an endoskeleton, an exoskeleton has various purposes. These include:

  • Protection and support: exoskeletons give the beast class so they can carry out their daily activities. They support appendages such every bit legs so that the animal can move from one place to another. They too protect vulnerable internal organs, muscles and other tissue.
  • Sensing: the exoskeleton can assistance the organism to be aware of external agents, such as moisture and dryness.
  • Storage: they can shop certain substances and nutrients which tin can be used for various purposes. These substances often create colors whch can be used for predation or defense.
  • Feeding: the exoskeleton allows the animal to use its structures for feeding, besides as excreting.

In a minority of species, information technology is possible to accept an endoskeleton as well equally an exoskeleton. Nonetheless, at that place is some debate over true exoskeletons which nosotros volition explain later.

Nomenclature of arthropods

The phylum of arthropods contains the largest number of species in the earth. All of them have exoskeletons, merely what are case of some of these exoskeletal animals? To better sympathize such a big group of animals, nosotros can break downwards the classification of different arthropods:


One of the major subdivisions of arthropods, they accept segmented bodies with jointed limbs attached. Their exoskeleton is made of chitin and proteins. They tin be either terrestrial or aquatic, Included under this umbrella are:

  • Arachnids: includes spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions and many others (a lot of which are extinct). In full, it includes more than 30,000 different species.
  • Pycnogonida: includes fifty species of sea spiders, which usually inhabit the body of other animals.


It includes the Mandibulata superclass, a grouping of terrestrial arthropods which are classified by the fact they have jaws. They also take well-formed antennae and legs. They cover the post-obit classes:

  • Insects: they take a well-defined head, thorax and abdomen. They live in both terrestrial or underwater environments, many of which have wings. There is keen diverseness amid insect species with carious characteristics and particularities.
  • Crustaceans: take a rigid exoskeleton due to calcareous substances. They live in fresh or salt water and include a peachy variety of species with multiple appearances, from lobsters and crabs to woodlice.
  • Myriapods: they develop an elongated body that makes them similar to worms, just with a differentiated head and the addition of legs.

In turn, the subclass of the Myriapoda is divided into:

  • Diplopoda: this class includes millipedes. They have jaws, an elongated body and many legs.
  • Chilopoda: similar to the diplopods, this is the class which contains centipedes. They have a more elongated body than millipedes.
  • Symphyla: elongated species similar to the chilopoda, only smaller and with antennae.
  • Pauropoda: these are terrestrial worms that like to live in the soil. They have antennae and tracheal breathing.
Animals with Exoskeleton - Names and Examples - Classification of arthropods

Animals with exoskeleton

Now that you know more than most exoskeletons every bit external structures, nosotros tin expect more closely at exoskeleton animals:

1. Mites

From subclass Acari, information technology is parasitic arachnids living off of other animals. There are terrestrial and aquatic species, and their food is varied: hematophagous (meaning they alive off of blood), detritivores (sustain themselves on body parts, skin flakes and other detritus from the host) and herbivores (plant matter). The different species are capable of transmitting diseases.

2. Venereal

At that place are many types of crab, just true crabs are crustaceans with 5 pairs of legs. They have a torso with a strong shell and claws which allow them to defend themselves equally well as catch their prey. Not many tin can swim, so they mainly live on the sea bed, although there are state crabs also.

3. Bees

Bees are insects that are widely distributed on planet Earth. They are organized in colonies with well-defined hierarchies and are very important in the process of pollination for thousands of plant species. Without them, we humans may probable die.

4. Centipede

Nether the banner of Centipede, at that place are more than iii,000 species of arthropods characterized by an elongated torso divided into segments, multiple legs, antennae and powerful jaws. They are predators and chase insects, worms and snails.

5. Marine spiders

They accept viii legs that they employ to motion, which is why they are compared to terrestrial spiders. They mimic the seabed easily for cover-up and have a body of thin and long limbs.

Animals with Exoskeleton - Names and Examples - Animals with exoskeleton

What is an endoskeleton?

The endoskeleton is an internal structure which protects the organs, allows the muscles to be strengthened, provides shape to the trunk of the brute, allows motility and protects the nervous system. All vertebrates have an endoskeleton, so the most common animals accept these structures.

A departure between the exoskeleton and the endoskeleton is that the latter grows with the individual to which it belongs. It is not necessary to discard the skeleton to perform this function. In addition, it develops from the moment at which the organism is an embryo (fertilization). Endoskeletons are characterized by a vertebrae (or spine) made up of discs, which protect the nervous organization and connect with the skull and brain in near species.

Exoskeletons do not grow forth with the brute. For this reason, they will need to exist shed. When the creature needs to grow or fifty-fifty metamorphose into a dissimilar course (e.g. caterpillar to butterfly), they volition shed the exoskeleton and sally anew. The new exoskeleton will usually be much softer and will take some fourth dimension to harden.

Animals with endoskeleton

There are thousands of species that have this construction that allows them to protect their organs and strengthen the shape of the trunk. Here are just some of the animals with endoskeleton:

one. Cephalopods

Commonly known every bit octopus and squid, cephalopods inhabit the seas since the Carboniferous period 298.ix million years agone. They are characterized past their tentacles and a flexible trunk with a gelatinous texture. They eat other animals.

two. Fish

Most fish have an endoskeleton that protects their internal organs and provides muscles with the platonic back up for swimming. For this reason, the fish endoskeleton includes the fins and tail in many specimens. One exception is the hagfish which is technically a vertebrate. However, despite possessing a skull, they do not accept vertebrae, simply instead a notocord (flexible rod similar to cartilage).

3. Vertebrates

All vertebrates, whether marine, terrestrial, flying or freshwater, have an endoskeleton that protects their organs, contains the nervous system and provides support to the musculature. Among vertebrates we find the following animals:

  • Amphibians
  • Reptiles
  • Birds
  • Mammals
  • Cartilaginous fishes
  • Finned fish

The homo existence is likewise included in this classification.

Tunicates are an invertebrate animal which many people claim take an endoskeleton. They have a notocord in their larval form. Still, they are not vertebrates. They have a characteristic outer structure which acts like an exoskeleton.

Animals with Exoskeleton - Names and Examples - Animals with endoskeleton

Animals with exoskeleton and endoskeleton

Equally we stated earlier, in that location are some animal species which are thought to accept both exoskeletons and endoskeletons. However, this is not the instance. In actuality, they accept an endoskeleton which exhibits in a strange way. These animals include:

1. Armadillos

Armadillos are terrestrial mammals and, therefore, have an endoskeleton inside their body. Yet, these animals are likewise characterized by having an outer shell formed of bony plates, which serves every bit a ways of protection. This shell really has living tissue on the outside and is not considered a true exoskeleton.

2. Pangolins

Pangolins are mammals that are distributed in Asia and Africa, where they feed on ants and termites. As for its appearance, it is similar to armadillos since, in addition to being a vertebrate, it has an external armor formed by rigid plates. These plates are fabricated of keratin and are non an exoskeleton, despite being very hard and existence very protective. Human and brute pilus is also made from keratin, yet is non actually part of the skeleton.

3. Turtles

Marine and freshwater turtles have an exoskeleton that is very recognizable: the carapace. The trounce protects the organs and, at the same time, represents a kind of "business firm" for the turtle, where it tin have refuge to rest or avert predators. It is not, however, actually a skeleton.

Animals with Exoskeleton - Names and Examples - Animals with exoskeleton and endoskeleton

If you lot desire to read like articles to Animals with Exoskeleton - Names and Examples, nosotros recommend you visit our Facts about the brute kingdom category.


  • From Cruz Lozano, Jaime. (2005). Entomology: morphology and physiology of insects . Palmira, National University of Republic of colombia.
  • Cruz Angón, Andrea. (ed.). (2011). The biodiversity of Veracruz . Country study. Mexico, Conabio.

Animals With Exoskeletons Are Called,


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